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Acne is an inflammatory affliction of the pilosebaceous follicle. There are 4 events that may cause the occurrence of the lesions:

– blockage in the hair follicle caused by corneocytes (cutaneous cells) and sebum

-sebum hypersecretion

-the presence of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria (this is normally found on the skin)

-the inflammation that leads to the breakage of the follicle and to the apparition of the pimples

Causes of the acne may include:

– hormonal changes (puberty related or polycystic ovary syndrome related) – external factors (oil-based cosmetic products, astringent lotions or soaps)

– diet

– stress

There isn’t a certain treatment for this condition due to the fact that in most of the cases several types of therapy are being mixed for the best results possible. The treatment the patients may receive is a long-term therapy (2 to 3 months at least) and during this amount of time the dermatologist will be able to decide if whether the treatment is efficient or not. Depending on the clinical form of the acne, the dermatologist will establish what the best treatment plan is. Caring for the skin is an important part of the treatment. The use of cleaning gel (with no soap) and lukewarm water is recommended. In addition to this, non-comedogenic moisturizer may be required when dryness of the skin occurs due to the ongoing treatment.
